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The Curators Club

Moonstone Slab - White

Moonstone Slab - White

Regular price $10.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 AUD
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Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings, love and eroticism and is a talisman for your inward journey, taking you deep into your self and soul. This stone is connected to the moon and is one to work with the female reproductive system. Great for PMS, conception and pregnancy, known as the fertility crystal.

Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as accepting self love. Also, aids artists in self-love

These slabs vary between 50-80gms, 80-100gms, 100-130gms and 150-180gms and a piece will be intuitively chosen for you from your desired weight.

I recommend reading up on this stone to see if it suits your needs

I suggest regular cleansing or when you feel energy is dull

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